Thursday, March 01, 2007

What Not To Wear? What not to Watch!!

I know I blabber on about TV shows a lot, but I have to admit I am highly affected by the tube. I come from the TV generation that watched shows like "Banana-Rama", and "The Great Space Coaster". Superman wasn't just a character in a comic book, but a member of the "Justice League". Smallville wasn't even a fly speck on the wall yet.

Now as an "adult", I must say that my artistic endeavors are just as affected by what I see on TV, as my life was when I was a kid. I know some people say, "I don't watch TV, because it is so addicting and fake." Whatever, you mightier than thou can kiss my ass...


Anyway, when I see shows like "What Not To Wear", and "Tyra Banks", or when Oprah has a makeover gets under my skin. To prove my point, I was flipping through the channels last night, and Tyra had some poor woman "made up", and when she came out, Tyra said "You look like a different person!" Like that is a good thing. There is nothing like tearing someone down, making them believe they are a bad person because they like plaid flannel shirts, then making a good thing to change "who they are".

Art should not DICTATE anything.

The reason I bring art into this, is that all of those phony TV idiots call themselves artists. Fashion IS an art. There is no argument there. But when it is used to lower self-esteem, even if it to try to help someone, things have gone horribly wrong.

That is just my opinion.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Titles Always Suck....

Why is it that I can never think of a good title. I have been trying to find a great title for my Euphonium Concerto, and I want to have a decent program, but it just isn't coming. Right now, I am using "The Inquisitive Must Fall" as a working title. Don't be under any fall pretense that I believe that to be a great title. I know it sucks.

The problem is that I when I write, I have a "feeling" about what I want the music to sound like, but I can never put it into words. I hate the composers who use artsy titles like ", a rock hitting water...waves" or some shit like that. It is pretentious down to the punctuation. I also hate it wheen composers use titles like "cosmic dipstick", or "The drippings of humanity", in a failed attempt at artsy humor, or political edginess.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Where has imagination gone?

Ah the innocence of youth. Carefree times that you didn't worry about the trifles of adult things like cleaning your room, paying the bills, keeping your dog, or buying a condo. It was a time of bike riding, video game playing, slumber partying, and the worst thing that could happen is the cable would go out during the Saturday morning line-up.


I just the most horrible idea for a child's toy EVER. No, it isn't dangerous or mind-numbing, but it is un-imaginative. It comes to us from those brainiacs who come up with Babrie's latest pointless piece of crap. This is an accessory so "everyday life-like" that it would crush the fun out of any kid. It is a dog, that Barbie walks, and when it POOPS SHE HAS TO CLEAN IT UP with a PINK POOPER SCOOPER!!!!! Holy crap. It even comes with a stylish bin to store the dog shit in. Jesus Christ....

Anyway, I will never look at my G.I. Joes the same way. I mean, if they aren't going to include body bags for the all of the Cobra henchmen you kill in an afternoon, what is the point?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Ya gotta love the attention span of this country. I know that to generalize is bad, but there needs to be something said the kind of attention we give certain issues. This morning I saw the headlines at "NEW WAVE OF TERROR ATTACKS IN BAGHDAD". Then immediately to the right "NUDE IDOL PICTURES HIT THE INTERNET". Jesus on a stick...why do we have those two headlines, or subject matters in the same universe let alone front page?

It seems crass to me, that's all.

Monday, February 26, 2007

I need to post more often!

Sorry for the long delay. I know that all three of you (that is including myself) were waiting with baited breath to read some more about my boring life.

Great introduction don't you think?

That is what I get for playing, studying, and writing too much. The good news is that I have stuff to do. It would be worse if I spent my whole day sitting on my couch and pulling belly button lint out and smelling it. That happens less and less, I assure you.

Projects right now:

Same old shit: a Euphonium concerto for my friend Danny, a clarinet solo for whoever, and more jazz stuff.

Pretty much a boring life, but I like it alright.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fender Rhodes Mark VII!!!! [not pictured]

There is a new Rhodes coming out. Great, something else to pine for while saving up money in tiny increments. This new Rhodes reportedly feels and sounds like the old Mark VI (circa 1985), but has expanded digital and MIDI capabilities. It was recently shown and demonstrated at the NAMM '06 show, and held wide acclaim.

I cannot even begin to put into words the significance of the Fender Rhodes piano. It has been the main stay of an innumerable amount of electronic musicians since its invention in the 1950's. Jazz music, in particular, was greatly affected by its innovation. Musicians such as Herbie Hancock, Joe Zawinul, Miles Davis, Chick Corea, and others utilized this instrument [and subsequent electronic instruments] extremely successfully. Fusion jazz would not have been what it was without it.

Rock musicians immediately jumped on the electric bandwagon after the Rhodes came out. Groups like The Doors, YES, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and artists like Roberta Flack, Richard Carpenter, and more would not have made the sounds they did without the Rhodes piano.

These are just a few reasons why I have to have one. Immediately, if possible. Besides, there is a spot in my studio where one will fit PERFECTLY...what other reason do I need?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I certainly hope everyone is having a great start to 2007. I wanted to soak in the first few weeks of the year before I decided whether or not it was going to be a good year. I think at this point, it is going to be pretty typical: plans made, plans thwarted, no weight lost. The trifecta of my life.

I have not noticed anything new on the music front locally. Most of the same people are playing the same old thing. Still, there is some great music coming out right now. Check out a new self titled project coming out by Jherek Bischoff, which can be found at He is one of the most formidible bass players in the area, and has a unique ear for composition.

And, as always, the Degenerative Art Ensemble is putting out some great stuff.

As for me, just listening, watching, and not doing much.